² Intestinal amebiasis is caused by the protozoan Entamoeba
histolytica. Amebic cysts are resistant to chlorine at the levels used in water
supplies, but disinfection with iodine may be effective. The pathogenic
potential of E. moshkovskii remains unclear. There are three species of
intestinal amebae with identical morphologic characteristics:
Ø E. histolytica, E. dispar, and E. moshkovskii.
u E. histolyticaèmost symptomatic disease
u E. dispar is nonpathogenic and does not cause clinical disease
² Clinical amebiasis generally has a subacute onset, usually over 2-3
weeks. Symptoms:
Ø asymptomatic, or mild diarrhea
Ø severe dysentery(下痢) and bloody stools
Ø producing abdominal pain,
Ø fulminant colitis with bowel necrosisàperforation and peritonitis
Ø toxic megacolon.
² Diagnosis is best accomplished by the combination of serology or
antigen testing together with identification of the parasite in stool or
extraintestinal sites.
² All E. histolytica infections should be treated, even in the absence
of symptoms. The goals of antibiotic therapy of intestinal amebiasis are to
eliminate the invading trophozoites and to eradicate intestinal carriage of the
Ø Metronidazole(500 to 750 mg TID for 7-10 days)
Ø Tinidazole(2 g QD for 3 days).
We also suggest subsequent treatment with paromomycin to eliminate
intraluminal cysts. Dosing is outlined above.
² Extraintestinal manifestations of Entamoeba histolytica include
amebic liver abscess and more rare manifestations such as pulmonary, cardiac,
and brain involvement. Amebae establish hepatic infection by ascending the
portal venous system.
² Patients with amebic liver abscess typically present with one to two
weeks of right upper quadrant pain and fever. Concurrent diarrhea is present in
less than one-third of patients. Physical examination frequently reveals
hepatomegaly and point tenderness over the liver.
² The diagnosis of amebic liver abscess is generally established by
radiographic imaging and confirmed with serologic or antigenic testing, perhaps
supplemented with stool microscopy or antigenic testing of stool, with or without
evaluation for the parasite in liver abscess fluid.
² Needle aspiration of amebic liver abscess is not routinely required
but may be warranted if:
Ø the cyst appears to be at imminent risk of rupture (particularly for
lesions in the left lobe),
Ø there is clinical deterioration or lack of response to empiric therapy
Ø exclusion of alternative diagnoses is needed.
² We suggest treatment of amebic liver abscess or with
Ø Metronidazole(500 to 750 mg TID for 7-10 days)
Ø Tinidazole(2 g QD for 5 days)
We also suggest subsequent treatment with paromomycin to eliminate
intraluminal cysts.
² Pleural space involvement of E. histolytica can occur in the setting
of liver abscess rupture into the pleural space, resulting in an amebic
empyema. Rupture into the lung can lead to consolidation, abscess formation,
and/or hepatobronchial fistula. Clinical manifestations include pain, cough,
hemoptysis, and dyspnea. Cough may be productive of necrotic material that can
include liver abscess contents. Treatment of amebic pleural effusions should
consist of aspiration and antimicrobial therapy. We suggest treatment of
pulmonary infection with metronidazole or tinidazole. We suggest subsequent
treatment with paromomycin to eliminate intraluminal cysts.